Restaurant trip

Christmas is over. But the weather wants us to think Christmas is still here. Not much happened in January 2010, So here an out line of it. Its snowed, stop for a little bit then started again.

Right now I got January out the way. Its the 11th of February and I was out with my volunteering over the weekend. Now the event we covered was hovercrafting for the over 60. What a great event, The hovercrafters were a great laugh. One bloke an old pilot, mastered it within a minute and was a joy to watch. Its times like this that break the gloom of getting used to life without Kim.

Its what gone on tonight that is going to be to the fore over the next couple of days.

I am in an all you can eat Chinese restaurant 20 miles from home. There are 10 of us at a table for 11, no we have not miscounted. This is why I'm going to be in the middle of the fall out of the conversion going on now over the table for the next few days.

I will start at the begin. You remember Shell has this problem with going out. Well tonight is a family meal out, with shell's mum, dad and brothers. To celebrate a couple of birthdays, including Kims.

Her mum now knows how bad Shell is, after a full argument in the front room over her not going and her pigheadedness for fighting to stay in her safe zone.

As Shell wrapped herself up in the safety blanket she call home. We headed off to the meal, as her mum decided she would not wreck for all of us. During the drive, Pat is commenting to her sons Chris and Kev about shell problem.

Now it question time over the food, Pat is building up a picture of what has been going on.

I have mixed feeling about it. In one way I'm happy but worried about her. She need to feel safe, she need to grieve. On the over hand she need to move forward, at the moment she is stuck. And I cant get though to her. I have a feeling her mum can.

I am not a psychic, if I was Kim may still be here, but I feel tough love in shell future.

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