Ghost of Christmas past

“It's been hard over Christmas, boxing day especially” I say to the powerfully build bloke sitting on my sofa. “you do know” I continued “ I woke up in the early hours of boxing day morning in a cold sweat, as my dreams took me to revisit the last time I saw him. Lying there so waxy in a Hospice bed. Kim's leukemia has bought a ghost of the past back to me”

It seemed fitting that I was talking to Tom, a very close and dear friend of the present about a close and dear friend of the past. Although Tom some times looks like a bouncer, sorry Door staff. He has a heart of gold, and Know I need to talk about this.

He leans forward with concern, and sums up my thoughts in one line “You are worried this is the future for Kim.” “ You know that every illness is different and Kim's is no different in that way. She has a 80% chance of surviving this.”

“I know, I know” as I am saying this I'm playing uneasily with my lighter.

“This will play on your mind, especially when its around the anniversary of his death. It is a big event in your life. It will affect you. But that does not mean it going to happen again.”

“Yes, I suppose. This whole thing is getting me down a bit, I feel so mentally and emotionally tired. “

“ I know, Its hard on all of you. You do know that I am here for you to talk to, I am always on the other end of a text.”

I just nod in recognition of the offer

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