News Hounds

I am Sitting in the front room looking at the cordless phone, Wondering how the person that just phoned got our ex directory number.

I could understand local interest, But national interest baffled me. I think I better start a the beginning.

I woke up to hear shell telling someone to go away, in less polite terms then closed front door, I find out a few minutes later It was a lad I know from the local weekly newspaper, The Advertiser. Who popped around to find out if I knew anything about the rumour of a death of a college student.

Later on in the day, I given him a ring. And arranged a time for him to pop round for a chat. Between that call and him arriving later in the day, Pat had three calls and we had one from newspapers, asking for interview.

We had decided that only, the Advertiser and Shropshire Star would get anything out of us. As they are local papers. David Lawson of the Advertiser turns up as arranged on the phone. We all sit down in the front room to chat.

David is same age as me, we were in the same year at school. But he was more sporty than me, and was not one of the geeky weirdos that I was. And some say I still am.

Talking about the tilt I would like on the article, That was the message of Give Blood. And why I wanted it to be in the article. Kim had had so many blood products in hospital to try and save her, None of this would have been possible without ordinary people doing some thing as simple but amazing as giving blood. Most of what was said is already here on the blog so I wont bore you with it.

Shell says “You feel so helpless and just wish it was happening to you instead” I was pondering this, and the parents need to protect they children. When Shell starts chatting about Kim hiding how tough the treatment was and rarely showing it, and how she chatted to others starting out on treatment on the ward. I thought of jumping in and saying, I think the rare time she showed how hard it is was when I arrived.

You see Kim thinks about other people feelings, and try to protect them. She knew with me she could let the guard down, after all I was the straight talking First aider?

After we finished chatting, We say goodbye to the 6ft 3 reporter left.

Then the phone ring, Its a woman magazine, wanting to buy Kims story. Over the next couple of weeks, Phone calls, letters, all wanting one thing The exclusive rights to Our, Kims story.

To think about making money at a time like this for the story would be loathsome, crude and would Sully Kim memory. But that did not stop them from ringing time and time again.

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